Hi Friends!

Here’s our latest:

Care Net: It was great to be in San Antonio last week with dear friends, serving over 1,500 individuals from pregnancy centers and churches across North America and Canada. The theme of the conference was “Light in the Darkness”—an appropriate descriptor for these unsung champions offering compassion, hope, and help to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.

This is the Church Engagement (CE) team that I lead: From right to left: Gary Springer, Director of Church Outreach & Engagement (West Coast); Angie Springer, CE Administrative Assistant; Alex Hettinga (you can’t see him– he’s in back of me! But you can see him below in black on the right), Fatherhood & Family Program Manager; Amy Scherschligt, Making Life Disciples (MLD) Specialist; Jennifer Gerelds, MLD Specialist; Maurice Wilson, Discipleship Connections Specialist
Our volunteer Making Life Disciples Regional Coordinators. Each year at conference we honor them with a dinner.

Mantua Creek Church Plant: Our website is now live! We are so excited to have this important identity piece in place to encourage our Core group and donors, as well as give us something to share and use to invite others. We are grateful for the outstanding work of Kevin Gallagher of Gallagher Business Development. Please take a look at all the pages, features, and content and we would love to have your feedback. Also, if you’d like to donate to this work, you can do so through our mother church, Ashland EPC, at this link.

Writing: I’m about halfway done a new book on fatherhood that I hope to release early next year. In many ways, it represents my life’s work and I plan to share the title with you in our next bi-monthly ministry update. If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you may have noticed that many of the weekly posts I’ve been sharing are related to research I’m doing for the book. And that’s another reason why your insights and feedback are always so valuable: they help enhance what will eventually be the final product.

Personal: My mom just finished chemo and got a pet scan that shows she is cancer-free! We are so thankful for this report and continue to pray that she can now get her health and strength back. Also, my dad is doing well since coming to live with us in late June, but the level of his care is significant. We are grateful that each day we solve some small challenge and/or learn about some new resource. I don’t think we’ll know, however, just how sustainable everything is until late October or early November. Our experience to date has already given us increased empathy for the sacrificial care many of you give daily. We’re also growing in speaking the truth in love and, on that, here’s a meme that Pam recently shared with me that I hope you’ll also find helpful.

And… one more pic! This is six of the twelve in our immediate family from a recent week in the Outer Banks. My oldest son, Matt & his wife, Kylie, and their kids could not come but, gratefully, watched our dogs while we were away. We’re also so thankful for dear friends and fellow members of our Core group, Brian & Chrissie Vare and their kids, for helping to care for my dad while we were gone. BTW, the two moms below, Sarah and Emily, are pregnant with grandkids #5 and #6! 🙂

Sarah, Tim, and Iris & Emily, Josh, and Theo

As always, we so appreciate your prayers.

Much love,
